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The most common hearing problems

The earache, hearing a constant beeping, feeling dizzy. There can be many ailments that can be suffered in that magnificent tool that is our ears.

There are hearing problems that are very easy to identify because they appear suddenly. And we can go to an ear doctor to certify the ailment and an indicated treatment.
Other times, as in the case of a hearing loss, it may not happen suddenly. And the clarity of hearing that we had over time may be obscured.

In this case, in addition to regular prevention through professional hearing screening. It is good to use personal tricks. You can take as a reference sounds or tones that we know are constant in our day to day as: the volume of the sound of the mobile phone or the tone of the alarm clock.

You can use them as signals to know if we increase the volume of the devices over time to hear them better or not at all.

Remember that increasing the volume is a sign of hearing loss. Even though there are times when we think it is others who are talking at a lower volume.

However, hearing problems can trigger other conditions such as injuries, infections or malformations due to a variety of causes. In fact, suffering from a hearing disease is much more common than we think. Do you know what the most common hearing problems are?

Hearing problems can occur at any age.


It’s perhaps the most common condition. For being almost a travel companion of summer holidays for parents with children or users of sports facilities such as gyms, swimming pools or very wet places.

Otitis, an infection of the external auditory canal, can be caused by water entering the ears or excessive cleaning, among other causes. Its symptoms are pain and discharge. The most common treatment is the application of antibiotic drops to eliminate the detritus, as well as the use of analgesics.

Ménière’s disease

This hearing disorder affects the inner ear with a defect of fluid accumulation that causes pressure to rise, possibly leading to hearing problems. Other symptoms include dizziness and nausea. There is no known effective treatment, but eating diuretic and low-salt foods relieves the symptoms.

Perforation of the eardrum

A ruptured eardrum can be caused by a very loud noise, an object in the ear, or an injury. To identify it, we must be aware of symptoms such as discharge, mild pain, tinnitus and dizziness. In the case of serious injury, treatment will include the application of a gel or patches to the tympanic membrane. But in all other cases, when the perforation is small, healing occurs without any specific treatment.

Hearing loss

This pathology causes partial deafness or a total hearing loss. It is diagnosed when the patient hears much louder noises than they really are. When he has difficulty following a conversation if several people are involved, when he has greater ease in understanding male voices than female ones, or when he has difficulty understanding mumbled voices or high-pitched sounds.

Bilateral hearing loss

It occurs when hearing loss occurs in both ears at the same time and to the same degree of deafness. It is usually caused by old age, genetic factors, or by constantly being near a source of extreme sound level.